Jim Wishart has scrapped the idea of the Veterinary Design Company as a separate entity and returned the design work to the James M Wishart & Associates fold. In fact, all design work for the last couple of years has been with JMW&A.
‘The separation seemed a good idea at the time’ said Jim Wishart, ‘giving some clear water between the construction aspects and the training and consultancy work. In most cases it worked well but, when consultancy led to design, it became a bit of a pain! The decision was really made some time ago, though it took a while to sink in. After my heart bypass in 2013 I decided to simplify life a bit and just run one business but not with a sudden move. All new projects went through James M Wishart & Associates, design projects with a Veterinary Design link. Existing design company jobs were completed over their natural span and then that company will end.’
Current design projects are in the Southern Counties, Yorkshire, West London, New Zealand and the Isle of Man. On the training side, Jim has recently finished a hectic six months tour of the country presenting CPD courses for Suitably Qualified Persons and is now incorporating the new Code of Practice into the presentations for the next academic year.
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